Thursday, March 31, 2011

My B...It's Been a While...aka Over a Month!

So here was has gone down in my spiritual life in the past month:

So recently I had been feeling really distant from God and I wasn't sure why. I was reading my bible pretty daily but I wasn't taking much from it. I felt like I was just going through the motions of everything versus being heart felt about it all. It was weird because I could almost feel a physical desire to be close to God again, but I was struggling to get there. I'm not sure why I wasn't unable to fill this desire, which was rather weird. I felt convicted for being distant but when I read the Word and when  I sang along to worship songs, I didn't feel like I was getting anything out of it. I didn't really know what to do...I had  prayed about it some but not much had happened.

SO I asked a few of my friends to pray for me and I asked one of my close friends who I look up to as a spiritual leader what I should do. He told me a few thing that I could do including fasting and just reading 
through the book of Psalm and just really focus on one Psalm per day.

I decided to not fast with food because I started new medication for my ADD. So I tried fasting from TV....That was pretty pointless because my school work load was exploding and I didn't have time to watch TV anyways..BUT I have been reading through Psalms and let me tell you--life is much better now! Reading through Psalms is exactly what I needed! 

I will be posting about the Psalms and specific verses that I found really inspiring and helpful! I'm really excited about it, but forgive me if I don't get around to blogging everyday or every week!
